Vivino 4+

Vivino 4+

We are proud to curate our collection of wines from some of the best winemakers in the world, and we love to hear what people have to say about our wines. Any wine with a score of 4+ on Vivino is a bottle that has a seal of approval from wine drinkers (not experts) around the world. When you purchase a 4+ point bottle of wine you will be in for a treat, as this wine has been tried, tested and highly rated by hundreds, if not thousands of wine drinkers around the globe...

100% Quality Wine

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  • Wine 93 Point Rating
    Vivino 4+
    Country: France, Beaujolais
    Grape: Gamay
    ABV: 13.5%
    93 Points - Wine Enthusiast. Covering 5.2 ha (12.85 acres) within the 660 ha (1631 acres) of the Moulin-a-Vent appellation, the vines are ideally located at the heart of one of the 18 recognised single vineyards, Rochegres, where, as its name, "grey rock", suggests, the granitic parent rock is visible at the surface of the soil in the vineyards. This exceptional, distinctive location irrefutably defines the profile of this structured, fleshy wine that boasts floral aromas. The nose is highly aro
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