90+ Point Wines

90+ Point Wines

Any wine with a score of 90+ points is said to be an outstanding bottle with superior quality and characteristics. This 100 point wine rating system has become the benchmark of quality in the wine industry. If you purchase a 90+ point bottle of wine, you will be in for a treat.

100% Quality Wine

1 of 189 products

  • Award winning
    Wine 91 Point Rating
    Vivino 4+
    Country: England, Sussex
    Grape: Pinot Noir
    ABV: 12%
    91 Points / Silver Medal - DWWA. Quintessentially English, only the very best fruit grown at Roebuck's Sussex vineyards is carefully selected for the Classic Cuvée. Crafted from a harmonious blend of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Meunier, this wine displays wonderful notes of baked apples and stone fruits layered with a biscuity richness. The 2017 growing season started well in the spring with an early budburst, followed by dry, sunny weather in May and June, and a very early flowering – one
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