Full Bodied Red Wine

Full Bodied Red Wine

2 of 126 products

  • Wine 96 Point Rating
    Vivino 4+
    Country: New Zealand, Waiheke
    Grape: Syrah/shiraz
    ABV: 14.5%
    96 Points (2019) - Decanter. The Man O' War Dreadnought 2018 is a classically styled Syrah with really lifted spice and floral notes overlaying a more savoury umami character. Underneath the aromatic lift is a layer of red berry fruit characters which lead into a soft and supple palate following with a clear focused acidity and fine tannins, all finishing with a trademark long persistence that is fresh and slightly salty. Vivino Rating: 4.1 (May 2020) Wine Press Ratings 96 Points - Decanter (201
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  • Wine 96 Point Rating
    Vivino 4+
    Country: New Zealand, Waiheke
    Grape: Syrah/shiraz
    ABV: 14.5%
    96 Points - Decanter. The Man O' War Dreadnought 2018 is a classically styled Syrah with really lifted spice and floral notes overlaying a more savoury umami character. Underneath the aromatic lift is a layer of red berry fruit characters which lead into a soft and supple palate following with a clear focused acidity and fine tannins, all finishing with a trademark long persistence that is fresh and slightly salty. Vivino Rating: 4.3 (Mar 2024) Wine Press Ratings 96 Points - Decanter (2019) "Pow
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